Sunday, September 4, 2011

Life in NC

It's been a while...

We've moved!!  Lance was accepted to medical school at Wake Forest in Winston-Salem, NC and we have been here since late July.  We are absolutely in love with this charming city and have settled in very nicely. School has been in full swing for a little over a month now which means Lance has survived almost half of his block of human anatomy.  This is rumored to be the most intense and academically rigorous part of the medical school curriculum here at Wake Forest but Lance is handling it very well.  He spends all day at school and then an additional 4-6 hours studying when he gets home.  I realize this sounds torturous to many people but Lance is loving it.  I am so excited for him to be doing something he loves and feels so passionately about.  I feel very proud to be the wife of such a hardworking, determined, intelligent, and loving man.  He is going to be such a great doctor in 4 years.

The medical school buildings on the Wake Forest Medical Center campus

I am now 33.5 weeks into my pregnancy, which has continued to be, thankfully, very uneventful.  I have had a blast getting to know this little baby inside me.  She's really active and I am counting down the days until I get to meet her.  In other news, I found a full-time job working in a private ophthalmology practice in a little nearby town called Lexington.  I have been there for 3 weeks now and I feel very blessed to have started working only 2 weeks after moving here.

Thanks for you can enjoy some pics.

This was about 30 weeks.  This travel system was our first big baby purchase.  We put it together as soon as we got home.  We are so excited!
This was taken yesterday, 33 weeks and 2 days.  It seems like my belly did a lot of growing in those 3 weeks!

31 week ultrasound

Again at 31 weeks. She looks pouty and smashed.  Not great pics at this ultrasound.  Hopefully we'll get some better ones in 2 weeks.

That's it for now.  Stay tuned.  I will post pictures of our beautiful new city and our cute apartment soon.  I've also skipped a lot of events these last few months and I will update again soon to fill you in!